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Why do we farm?

I'm a week in to interviews with farmers in Maryland, and every conversation is an inspiration. I'm impressed with the creativity and drive of the farmers I talk to. Those I've spoken to somehow find the energy to come home from a full time job and care for chickens, or the fortitude to keep going after a premature frost wipes out a crop before harvest. I want to know, as a farmer, what keeps you going? Why do you do it? One farmer asked me, "am I crazy? I think I must be."

Everyone has a different story of what led them to farming. Some have had steady careers in law or with the government prior to the farm; others found a passion to improve the world in studying environmental science. For first generation farmers, agriculture is a deliberate choice. Do these stories share a common theme?

Yet, regardless of background or career, a few challenges consistently emerge. "Money, money, money," as one farmer succinctly summarized. The solutions farmers find to this challenge are varied: from outside employment while they build the business, to loans and grants. Some see hope and success in the future of their business, others are less certain. I want to know: what kind of support would help farmers overcome this initial financial barrier?

I'm looking forward to learning more in the interviews to come.

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